SACMI Innovation Lab

SACMI Innovation Lab

Innovation, training, advanced services

  • R&D H.E.R.E. and HMI
  • R&D Automation & Simulation Software
  • R&D Operating System & Network
  • R&D 2D and 3D Digital Print
  • R&D Embedded Hardware Development

Enabling technologies 4.0 and open platforms for the regional PMI system

In 2017 the company launched and pursued the project of the new SACMI Innovation Lab, a structure entirely focused on the development and dissemination of enabling technologies in a 4.0 perspective and, in particular, of H.E.R.E., the latest generation SACMI line supervisor, alongside the development of new “digital twin” models for production simulation.

Pillar of the Group's “innovation package 4.0”, SACMI Innovation Lab counts among its institutional tasks not only the identification of new lines of technological development to add value to the product and service, but also, and above all, follows the training of the professional figures necessary to manage this type of projects and translate them into a winning strategy for the production fabric.

Funded by the regional call for investments in advanced sectors of Industry 4.0, SACMI Innovation Lab is a candidate to become a node of the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network and, in the 36 months of European co-financing (Por Fesr 2014-2020) will ensure the recruitment of 20 new graduates, to support the current team of technicians and researchers of the structure.

Over the last two years, SACMI has developed and implemented the mission of this new structure, which operates in synergy with Protesa and Iprel, under the coordination of SACMI Automation R&D. The result is a real SACMI “innovation package”, at the service of the Group's businesses but also open to the system of companies, laboratories and regional universities. 

Enabling technologies 4.0 and open platforms for the regional PMI system

“Digital twin” simulations

The Laboratory follows the development of innovative systems for process control, through which to improve the quality control of products by measuring all parameters during the processing cycle. In particular, SACMI Innovation Lab is equipped to develop advanced digital twin models that, through digital simulations, can speed up and improve the development phase of the machine, plant and product, up to real simulations of different market scenarios. Thanks to digital simulations, SACMI Innovation Lab can prepare predictive diagnostic models capable of acting retroactively on the plant, anticipating any critical issues and optimizing the efficiency of the plant. An integral part of the activities of the Lab is the redesign of flows and plants and the revision of the management system of stocks and flows towards an assembly-to-order logic.

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