Organisation, digital tools, workplaces, safety regulations: on-line training for all the Group's Italian employees is already under way, with the first webinar on new safety protocols held last week
New post-emergency workplace organisation and management practices. Regulations and conduct to be observed to ensure a safe, effective re-opening. SACMI, then, is pushing ahead with “Phase 2” by starting on-line training for all the Group's Italian employees (some 2,000 people working in ten production facilities).
Named "LetsMoveForwardTogether", the programme involves - prior to a full re-opening of activity - the development and sharing of new safety protocols that comply with the Government, Regional and local health authority guidelines, which complement the precautionary measures already adopted by SACMI from the earliest stages of the emergency.
Last week saw the first series of webinars begin. Four sessions, on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May were held, allowing personnel from all Italian offices to be inducted into the programme with the help of the dedicated company task force. Key topics included working from home, digital tools, shift arrangements, business travel (organisation), management of shared areas, dedicated signage (workplace standard), PPE, company access and management of any contagion (safety standards). The programme integrates and completes the Digital GYM training courses launched very early on in the emergency to aid effective, widespread implementation of working from home practices in all company offices.
"The goal is to provide answers to every possible question, doing so via clear, shared guidelines on in-company conduct, on the new organisational models that are needed and on management of workplaces, especially communal areas", observes the President of SACMI Imola, Paolo Mongardi. "At SACMI we're focused on a swift, effective restart", continues Mongardi, "and to achieve that we need everyone's commitment, the same commitment that has so far allowed us to continue working throughout even the most critical phases".
This approach is also coherent with the #LetsMoveForwardTogether message - chosen by SACMI to accompany every stage of the emergency - and the programme logo: "People standing together, with their arms raised, symbolising victory as a team, in line with the message we’ve sought to convey from the very beginning to all our people, employees, customers and partners: let's move forward together".
The watchword is awareness. This first part of the programme is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the new anti-contagion safety measures to be implemented at SACMI plants and installation sites on customers' premises, and on other technical-managerial aspects of interest to the different teams. The course is co-managed by the HR team (coordinated by the new Group Human Resources manager, Gianluca Nardone), the Prevention, Protection and Environment service and the SACMI Quality, Safety and Process Management service.