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萨克米FFS(成形-灌装-密封)包装机有卫生型,超卫生型和无菌型,这得益于其高输出速度,多样化格式管理的多功能性以及乳制品包装行业的最新技术。 以有吸引力的设计管理新概念容器。萨克米FFS技术在过去的几十年中已经获得了许多国际奖项,其中包括1986年美国食品和药品管理局认证的奶制品无菌包装。
The HTB wrapping machine - now even more high-performance and flexible - will take center-stage alongside the new ‘Hybrid Sweet...
Three fresh produce packaging machines on display, each offering exceptional versatility and peak performance: a comprehensive response...
People’s history, origin and terroir: the workplace as the key point. Its ergonomics, its...
The trade show for Packaging, Food Processing, Printing, Plastics & Labelling Exhibition.
10th International Trade Show on Agriculture, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality.
International Food Industry Exhibition in Algeria.