Полимерные формы, моделирование и разработка форм и полимеров

Ноу хау SACMI

Важнейший элемент процесса проектирования сантехнического изделия, от моделирования и до изготовления полимерной формы.

Полимерные формы для сантехники - ноу хау Sacmi

 Мировой лидер  по разработке и производству сантехнической продукции.

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пресс-форм изготовленных SACMI

Product modelling and development

Product modelling and development

From product sketches to 3D prototypes through CAD-CAM processing

Our modelling and product development department, equipped with the most advanced CAD/CAM technologies, relies on of our thirty years of experience as specialized modellers in the sanitaryware sector.

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resin moulds by SACMI Whiteware

resin moulds by SACMI Whiteware

The best quality performance in the shortest possible time

The SACMI Whiteware resin mould is the result of our ability to experiment with and industrialise solutions aimed at responding to ever-changing technological needs in the sanitaryware sector.

resins and similar materials for moulds

resins and similar materials for moulds

Resins, mould cleaning materials and specific treatments

Resins for the production of moulds suitable for high and medium pressure applications, excellent durability and resistance over time, as well as materials and treatments for mould maintenance.

Ruota il tuo device.